• Callie Ritter

    Movement Therapist

    More is possible with your body

  • A holistic approach bridging the gap between healthcare and long term physical well-being so you can embody true mind-body fitness.

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    You don't have to be achey and stiff as you get older - you can improve at any age or stage if you know how to adjust your inputs.


    Your body is a living musical instrument, it will heal and grow itself if you learn how to play (move) it better.


    Pregnancy, parenthood, and aging can be fulfilled powerfully and gracefully.

  • Schedule a free consultation:





    Callie blends biomechanics, mindfulness and somatic techniques to improve your posture, pain, flexibility, and inner and outer balance.


    If chronic issues are getting in the way of your life, or you've reached a ceiling with your body - let me show you how to feel younger from the inside out. 



























  • Offerings

    For your body, mind, and spirit...

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    Restructure your body


    $135/hr for 2 people

    • Assessment of movement strategy, posture, lifestyle, and exercise habits
    • Exercise Prescription and Education of body mechanics
    • Nervous System Support - mindfulness, meditation, and somatic techniques that fast track your rewiring


    Callie has successfully worked with individuals spanning a diverse range including those who are:


    Highly athletic, blind, use wheelchairs, and have Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinsons, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Traumatic Brain Injury, Scoliosis, Anxiety, Osteoporosis and range in age from 15 to 82, and have a myriad of orthopedic issues and limitations.

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    Deep rest and rejuvination


    Reiki is a stress reduction and relaxation technique that promotes healing. Sessions are in person or remote.


    Curious? Call for more clarity:


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    Your body doesn't lie...

    $100/hr for privates, classes negotiated upon request.


    Movement reveals our unconscious psychology and can bring our true feelings to the surface to be felt and let go of. This generates awareness, lightness, and freedom.


    Sessions can range from increasing your confidence on the dance floor to facilitated improvisations that uncover your relationship to self and others.

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    Our environment shapes us more that we're aware...


    I'll assist you or your business to restructure and incorporate more aliveness throughout the workday.


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    Audio Recordings

    Discover what it means to be embodied

    $15 gives ownership


    Adventure along with soothing vocals and simple guidance taking you through meditative movements, sense-enhancing exercises, and contemplative entertainment.


  • Callie Rose Ritter

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    Movement Therapist

    I do my best to be a student of your body and listen. My understanding of motion comes from spending thousands of hours in the studio studying my own moving body.


    I have over twenty years of professional training in movement and dance, reinforced by my college degree and ongoing certifications. I spent six years in NYC as a professional dancer. I worked under a physician at a Longevity and Performance Center helping to create its fitness assessment program and operate the new exercise physiology lab.


    I "walk the walk" of a supple, strong body. I understand scoliosis by observing the way a tree grows around a boundary, and I see a story of blood dynamics in the flow of a river.


    When your body feels good, it goes unnoticed, no knee pain on hikes or back discomfort after a long day. Despite appearing strong, in the past I struggled with constanct body aches, major depression, anovulatory cycles, and fatigue.


    An inner nudge kept me seeking more answers to my health, and I discovered how to fundamentally change. With each passing year I grow stronger, more flexible, and emotionally more open and serene defying the conventional expectations of aging. I'm very grateful to be where I am now.


    My quest is to keep learning and testing what's possible in my body, mind, and spirit, and offer what I learn along the way.


    I hope you'll join me!
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    BFA in Dance University of Utah

    Restorative Exercise Specialist-Certified Personal Trainer.

    Katy Bowman's Nutritious MovementTM

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    Certified Yoga Teacher, 300hr, emphasis in Yoga pedagogy.

    The Perri Institute for Mind and BodyTM

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    150 hrs Clinical Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing (CPET) with ParvoMedic's TrueOne 2400


    Certified DEXA Operation


    Certified Reiki Practioner

    Usui/Holy Fire I & II



    Brain and Body, Jill Bolte Taylor

    Yoga for Scoliosis, Jen Gorman

    Move Your DNA, with Michael Kaffel


    Teaching collaborations: 

    Physical Therapy 180



    Surel's Place 

    The Rise Collective


    Boise Community Education



    Restorative + Theraputic Exercise

    Biomechanics + Gait Mechanics

    Whole-Body Alignment


    Fitness Assement

    Exercise Prescription


    Pre + Post Natal

    Teens to Elders


    Dance Therapy


    Mindfulness/ Meditation



    Reiki/Energy Medicine

    (Fun facts: Callie is an ordained minister, having offiated two weddings and currently offers weekly time as a spiritual mentor to three people. She still choreographs, performs and teaches within the performance art world, and loves her time as a mother to a vivacious three year old. Her past mural work can be seen here)

  • Testimonials

    "My initial impressions of her were not only correct, but she possessed more extensive wisdom and skills than I had imagined."

    I met Callie Rose Ritter as she was teaching a yoga class and, from that first experience, I had a sense that she had skills, knowledge, and intuition regarding the human body that were quite advanced and unique. Walking away from that class, I remember thinking that she was attuned to the micro-movements of the body and understood just how to facilitate the adjustments (physical, mental, and emotional) of each person in the room so that they could deepen and enhance their experience.


    Later, while recovering from a knee surgery and ongoing symptoms of Post-TBI, I connected with Callie to help me along on my healing journey. She was instrumental in helping me heal from my TBI as I became more and more attuned to my own body and how its movements in time and space created a feedback loop with my brain. She was able to help me develop practices unique to my situation that I could use on a daily basis. In fact, years later, I still use the practices that I learned from Callie. They are an integral part of my continued healing and my overall health and well-being. Working with Callie has been a life-changing relationship for me. I feel that I have not only experienced the physical benefits of our time together, I have grown to be a better version of myself.


    - Dave Jones, MS, LPC, Certified iRest® Teacher, Certified I AM Yoga Nidra™ Facilitator, Boise State University Adjunct Professor

    "I feel confident that a large part of her practice is driven by empathy, and her knowledge of the interconnectedness of the body is nothing short of amazing (reminiscent of the butterly effect)."

    I often worked out in my wheelchair at the YMCA where I originally met Callie. Post 2020 my health was severely comprimised, and I immediately sensed that Callie was the one to hlep me again achieve a sense of personal fitness - not the rugby athelete I was, but the person I am now. I have never before learned to think so outside the box. I am learning to move my body in ways that directly relate to my activities of daily living, which has necessitated change to accomodate new pains & fluctuating abilities from age and/or illness. I don't expect I will ever again play in an international rugby tournament, but I can again feel pride and confidence in my ever-changing body."


    - Megan Z, 61, Comedian

    "Callie offers you a life journey to grow younger from the inside out. I am stronger, more flexible, and more balanced than at any time in the last 20 years."

    Callie Ritter and biomechanics has made an enormous positive impact on my life. Like most multi-sport athletes, I measured success based on victories, goals scored, time, reps and distance. That doesn't work so well as you age and time becomes precious. Instead of trying to find time for "workouts," I wanted to change my entire approach to health and exercise. Callie (a superb athlete, dancer, and teacher) broke down my posture, gait, and the range of motion in every part of my body. I have learned how to walk, stand, climb, exercise, and even breathe in a much more efficient manner. My metabolism has sped up (sessions are challenging), I sleep better, focus better, and am more confident and body aware. I move differently in every activity, from sitting at a computer, to hiking and raking leaves. My "workout" is just part of daily living. What I didn't expect, was the continuous intellectual challenge, and the joy of pushing the envelope on what your body can do...without a gym, diet, pain killers or other drugs, supplements or "procedures." Change your routine, improve your practice...and everything else.


    - Doug C, 65, Financial Adviser, Veteran

    "She is the only wellness professional I've ever come across who has treated me holistically, rather than just focusing on their one particular specialty and assuming that was the fix (and I've been treated by several different physical therapists and chiropractors.) I cannot recommend her highly enough."

    My whole self feels so much more relaxed, supple, and healthy. Callie's been working with me for over a year now to help reduce the muscle tension that I get in my neck, back and shoulders. I’m constantly impressed by her creativity, persistence and insights as she helps me on my healing journey, figuring out what my stubborn body needs to help me become more healthy and flexible. She has helped me build in to my life new exercise routines and movement patterns that work for me and that have made an enormous difference. Above all, the joy, enthusiasm and fun that she brings to our sessions, along with the hard work, that make it a real pleasure to be trained by her.


    - Peter S, 56, Engineer, Choralist

    "I was able to have a healthy pregnancy without back pain, something I didn’t think was possible until I met her!"

    Callie gave me a part of my life back that I thought was lost forever. I battled debilitating low back pain for about eight years prior to meeting her. I developed extreme anxiety from not knowing what caused my pain, and being told that exercises I used to do, might be causing my spasms. I was afraid to bend over and limited myself on daily activities. Callie helped me understand the mind body connection between pain, and we gently confronted my fear of movement. She helped me understand that my body can move and should move! That it feels better when I move! She is easy to talk to and really listens to what you're saying so she can understand how your body's acting and address the root of your problems. I have my life and personality back! I feel confident and am no longer afraid. I have been able to take care of my son and move and play with him without worry, thanks to Callie!


    - Jenny B, 36, Mom

    "Strangely her class feels very futuristic...like if we were in a class happening 150 years from now and we have finally cracked the code on the human body."

    Callie’s deep knowledge and experience with an ancient discipline (yoga), coupled with a keen understanding of modern biomechanics results in a class that feels fresh and futuristic.


    - David B, CFO

    "She is the wealth of knowledge that I have been searching for, and I appreciate her passion and how much she puts into all of my sessions."

    Working with Callie has given me the knowledge and empowerment to realign my body, and to rid myself of pain through proper movement and stretching. She has changed the way that I view fitness. Her philosophy integrates corrective movements into all parts of my day, as well as connecting and listening to my body’s needs and intuitions. Every session leaves me wanting to know more.


    - Camille T, 33, Hair Stylist

    "Callie is truly gifted."

    She invites us, through words and modeling and wisdom, to embrace a new body/mind awareness. One leaves her class refreshed and more whole.


    - Jane D, 75

    "Callie’s patience, kindness, and knowledge about body movement and health provide a personal and motivating approach to improve body as well as mind wellness."

    The passionate teaching style she incorporates into each private session has made a true impact on my motivation to incorporate movement into my daily life and stay active.


    - Mira T, 18, Student